About SC Homegrown

Founded on Dec. 21, 2011, SC Homegrown was a dream, a vision and great way to bring South Carolina together. Founder, blogger & promoter Brandon "FiveTrey" Owens, was ready for the task. Linking up with Tha Steam Squad, Swamp Life Ent, J. Andre Photography and Makrigga Media was an meeting of minds. Expanding from music to models with Key Jones and others from SC took off. Now SC Homegrown been exposure across seas and other parts of the United States of America. Providing the latest artist music, videos, interviews and more from the Palmetto State! Promo packages are available from photo shoots, graphics, models and more! Contact schomegrown@gmail.com 

CEO/Blogger/Promoter: Brandon "Fivetrey" Owens

FiveTrey started blogging in late 2011 after the trails that he place on himself. He had a vision in mind to "Create something from Nothing". With a love of music already in his heart and a goal in mind, he claim his mark. He always trying to network and do something new with people. A grinder with one goal in mind, to give the artist and etc. and outlet to the world! He has goals he have met and to more accomplish.